The European Academy of Management with an ad-hoc Strategic Interest Group on “Family Business Research” aims to be the ideal opportunity to assess the conceptual development, empirical research, and future directions of the family business field within a broader community of European scholars of management.  We envision this SIG as an international arena to attract contributions of both new scholars of the field and scholars from the established community in family business, that will provide new insights on topics that have received significant attention in the past, as well as we especially encourage scholars to undertake innovative papers and discussions of topics that have not received much attention but are important in the field.


SIG OFFICERS (2019-2020):

Anneleen Michiels (Hasselt University, Belgium) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., SIG Chair

Giovanna Campopiano (University Witten/Herdecke, Germany) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  SIG Chair-Elect

Daniel Pittino (Jönköping University) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., SIG Programme Chair 

Julie de Groote (University of Bern) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., SIG Programme Chair-Elect & Communications Officer



GT04_00 Family Business Research General Track

Family-owned firms are one of the foundations of the world’s business community. Their creation, growth and longevity are critical to the success of the global economy. Although family business research is progressing in terms of theory building, it still lacks a systematic adoption of thorough and theoretically-based frameworks. To advance our field, we welcome papers investigating one or several dimensions of family businesses, with multi-theoretical and multi-level approach, and cross-cultural research. We are particularly interested in advancing “Family Business” as an autonomous Research Field with contributions that offer rigor to the Academia and relevance to owner-managers, practitioners and local communities.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 5: Gender equality,
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth,
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

Giovanna Campopiano, Lancaster University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



ST04_01 - Strategy, Innovation and Internationalization in Family Business

Due to the differences between family firms (FFs) and non-FFs and the heterogeneity within FFs, this track welcomes contributions which investigate the impact of family characteristics (e.g. governance, goals, dynamics) on strategic choices (e.g. M&A, alliances, divestments, green strategies), innovation processes (e.g. open innovation, technology adoption, R&D management) and internationalization decisions (e.g. when and how entering new markets), as well as their influence on financial and non-financial performance. We encourage conceptual and empirical submissions, drawing from various theories and adopting qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods, either focusing on FFs or comparing FFs and non-FFs. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 4: Quality education

Elena Casprini , University of Siena, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ST04_02 - Family Business in Emerging, Developing, and Transitional Economies

The “Family business in emerging, developing and transition economies” track aims to contribute to conversations in the family business research field in three ways. First, by encouraging researchers to borrow and replicate research strategies, we expect to foster the generalization of results and test mainstream theories and approaches across contexts. Second, by encouraging researchers to borrow and extend research strategies, we call for scholars to incorporate the specificities of the environment-family relationship to contextualize the family business phenomenon. Finally, by developing research strategies, we can better understand the effect of context on family business and business families.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty,
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth,
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure,
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities,
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production,
Goal 13: Climate action,
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

Allan Discua , Lancaster University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



T04_03 - Family Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Families, Values and Goals in Family Business

We welcome submissions investigating the nexus of family and entrepreneurship. Focusing on family level is important to understand the way family members influence family business renewal and expansion, and the way they contribute to the development of firms and the wider context. Considering this focus, we also invite authors to consider the role of ‘values’ and ‘goals’ as possible antecedents or contextual factors affecting entrepreneurial families' behavior and their entrepreneurial endeavors. The values, goals, and practices of entrepreneurial families can also be placed in a sustainable development context, given the links between family firms and the sustainability of rural areas and local communities.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 5: Gender equality,

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth,
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure,
Goal 10: Reducing inequalities,
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities,
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

Elias Hadjielias , Cyprus University of Technology, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


T04_04 - Finance, Management, Governance & Accounting in Family Businesses

This track is dedicated to researching the phenomena at the intersection of corporate finance, corporate governance, accounting and family business research as well as other related fields (e.g., financial economics, psychology, sociology, or organizational behavior). Quantitative papers that try to isolate causal effects or apply rigorous panel methods are highly welcomed. Qualitative papers, especially looking at behavioral side of finance are welcomed. Focus topics include, but are not limited to: valuation, accounting and auditing choices in family firms, earnings management, IPO, the effect of family or founder-influence on performance, formal and informal corporate governance mechanisms, causes and effects of ownership.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

Michael Woywode, University of Mannheim, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


T04_05 - Organization, Management, Sociology, and Psychology in Family Firms: Behavior, Values, Relations, and Social Structure

This track covers current research at the intersection of organizational behavior, strategic management, psychology, sociology, and family firms. A particular focus is put on research on the role of families, especially the CEO of a family firm, the microfoundations of their (biased) cognition, affections, values, aspirations, and concommitant behavior and performance outcomes, including sustainability performance. Similarly, sociological research that puts emphasis on the relationship as the unit of analysis, particularly social structures, social embeddedness, as well related constructs such as identity, trust, resposibility, coherence, and shared shematas including their ontological emergence, are valued topics.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth,
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure,
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

Jan-Philipp Ahrens , University of Mannheim, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


T01_11/T03_14/ T04_06 - Immigrant Entrepreneurship

In our era of unprecedented worldwide migration, immigrant entrepreneurship changes its face. New contexts and types of migrants cause dynamics in host (and home) countries and challenge the state of the art in research. Issues like the impact on host societies, ecosystems, and the dynamics between migrant generations are in infant stages. As a phenomenon, migrant entrepreneurship is an upcoming issue for researchers and policy-makers for a number of reasons: (civil) wars, intercultural conflicts, over-crowding and poverty. As such, it addresses sustainable development challenges (e.g. no poverty, decent work and economic growth, and reducing inequalities).
We encourage new perspectives and methods as well as novel research approaches to this field by addressing the individual, group and family dimension.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty, 

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, 
Goal 10: Reducing inequalities

Beata Glinka , University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



EURAM 2020 Flyer